Formulated to Boost Levels of Free Testosterone While Actively Reducing Estrogen Levels in the Body
Endocrine Strengthening Formula is Tonic Extract for Strengthening and Building the Endocrine System with instant, noticeable effects. This unique formula employs a synergetic Five Plant approach to help maximize your levels of Free (active).
Testosterone while reducing levels of Estrogen and Estradiol. If you are interested in strengthening your levels of Testosterone while minimizing your levels of Estrogen, this is your secret weapon. Our specialty Endocrine Strengthening Formula has been expertly and meticulously designed to maximize your body's androgen levels, combining the therapeutic properties of Pine Pollen, Red Chinese Ginseng, Nettle Root, Fresh Ginger, and Tribulus-Terrestris., extracted in pure grain and grape alcohols. These five powerful plants work synergistically to maximize your vitality and longevity, combining the wisdom of Western Botanical Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the 3500 year old tradition of Ayurvedic Medicine. Learn About the Ingredients
Pine Pollen: The most potent form of plant testosterone, containing Androstenedione (Andro), Testosterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and Androsterone, directly elevates your levels of free testosterone. Red Chinese Ginseng: Aside from being one of the most powerful adaptogens available, Red Chinese Ginseng is a gonadotropic plant, increasing your own production of androgens by signaling your body to produce more testosterone. Nettle Root: Is specifically a plant ally for men. Androgens have a specific life cycle in the body, moving from free to bound (and then into metabolites like Estradiol).
People with low Testosterone levels have low levels of Free Testosterone. Nettle Root keeps Testosterone circulating in your system longer by preventing it from becoming bound. Bound Testosterone leads to a myriad of problems, including the metabolite Estradiol. Fresh Ginger: Fresh Ginger is an incredibly important food & herb to include in your daily regimen. Here, Ginger is targeted in this formula for its ability to removes excess estrogen from the body, and for its synergetic properties which maximize Pine Pollen activity. Tribulus-Terrestris: Is a largely unknown plant from India that is slowly gaining the popularity it rightfully deserves. Tribulus-Terrestris is a premium tonic for the male reproductive system, and is quickly becoming recognized as one of the most essential and powerful plants to boost libido, vitality, and stamina. Here, we combine Tribulus-Terrestris in this formula for its ability to raise Androgen levels, increase fertility and boost libido, aside from just being a powerful restorative agent for the reproductive system.
Ingredients: Pine (pinus massoniana0 pollen, chinese panax ginseng, tribulus terrestris, nettle (urtica dioica) root, ginger (zingiber officianale) root, water, and pharmaceutical grade alcohol