Quantum Liver Support is a key nutraceutical liver formula. It is an effective, broad-spectrum phytonutrient complex that promotes optimal detoxification, rejuvenation and healthy liver support.
Ingredients (Each Vegetable Capsule Contains):
Proprietary Blend....................................................455 mg
Reishi (fruiting body, fruiting body extract) (Ganoderma luc.), Zhu Ling (sclerotium) (Grifolaumb.), Pau D'Arco (bark) (Tabebuia imp.), Aloe Vera (inner leaf) (Aloe barb.), Carrot (root)(Daucus car.), Bitter Orange (fruit) Extract (Citrus aurantium), Milk Thistle (seed) Extract(Silybum mar.), Alfalfa (herb) (Medicago sat.), Beta-Sitosterol, Beet (root) (Beta vul.), BlueGreen Algae (whole) (Aphan. flos-aquae), Chlorella (whole; broken cell wall process) (C.vulgaris), Noni (fruit) (Morinda citrifolia), Nutritional Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),Tomato (fruit), Turmeric (rhizome) (Curcuma longa)
Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose Capsule